The Middle East Comes to the South East.
Another Tuesday night, another session in the studio, this time with a very talented lady by the name of Kathleen who not only designs and makes her own jewellery, but is also a fantastic and sought after belly dancer.
For this shoot we created two distinct areas - where the dancing would take place would have a black backdrop with lights placed above and to the side, with a light bouncing off the ceiling to fill in at the front. We also created an area adorned with cushions and fabrics so we could get shots of Kathleen's hand made jewellery.
Kathleen started with a very slow style of belly dancing, to her own soundtrack (which was pretty bloody good) instead of Arabic music, which enabled people to take their time to get good shots. We continued this throughout the night to keep a relaxed pace, until the end of the session where the music was faster, got turned up and Kathleen worked up quite a sweat with some impressive moves.
We then slowed back down to get some shots of Kathleen reclining in the fabric area to capture shots of her hand made jewellery. She's a fantastic model, and we hope to have her back in the very near future for a planned Art Deco themed shoot.